The Simplest Guide To...

From customer service to business planning, we've got it covered on our blog

The X Factor

For every business, success or failure will ultimately be determined by how well you know your customer and how well you meet or exceed their expectations.

Do you know what your customer truly values? And do you know what they really want from you? What is their pain point?

If you know the answer to...

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50 Shades of Love

customer service Mar 12, 2018

Do your customers feel loved and cared about?
Or do they feel you're indifferent?

No business can survive without customers, and we know it's far more effective to retain customers than to constantly seek out new ones. To retain existing customers they need to feel looked after, that their needs really...

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Why Thinking Like a Child is Great for Business

customer service Oct 09, 2017

Paul Matthews - Regional Director (Sussex) - Shopper Annonymous

My 6-year-old daughter is particularly inquisitive and it sometimes feels as though almost everything that she says is a question.

When we are young we naturally ask questions to gain knowledge, to make sense and to understand. Yet as we...

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