The Perfect Match

sales & marketing Feb 26, 2019
Communication is the key to good marketing...
Are you delivering the right message,
at the right time, to the right people?

As an introduction to sales and marketing, in our previous blog we looked at the Customer Sales Journey: Mixed or Matched Messages. Now, let's take a closer look at marketing - which we describe as the AIR in your Business Jet Engine.

What is Marketing?
We like to define marketing as:

All the activities that keep you at the forefront
of an existing or potential customer's mind
until they are ready to make an enquiry.

This is the process of attracting new customers, guiding them through the customer sales journey, and ensuring they return to make repeat purchases. For businesses of all sizes this process takes time and financial investment - it rarely happens overnight!

When creating a marketing campaign there are 3 key factors to consider, known as the Marketing Pyramid:

To begin with, you must fully understand your core market. These are the people you believe will buy your product or service. In properly understanding your market you are better placed to meet their needs.

How well do you:

  • Know your audience and what they really want?
  • Know where to find them?
  • Know what they are willing to pay for what you offer?

Communicating to your market the benefits of your product and why they should buy it from you, compared to elsewhere. This must be done in language they use and understand, delivered at the appropriate stage of the customer sales journey.

How well do you:

  • Communicate your unique selling points?
  • Engage your audience, not just talk about you?
  • Give directions of how to take the next action?

You now have to decide where and when your audience will be most receptive to your message. There are hundreds of marketing channels to choose from, so we must decide which is most effective for reaching our audience, and which fits within our budget.

How well do you:

  • Reach your intended target audience with your selected channels?
  • Illicit a response from your audience?
  • Measure and monitor the success of each channel?

These 3 factors are the minimum you should consider, to help your customers move through the customer sales journey, until they're ready to make a purchase.


How well have you matched each side
of your marketing pyramid 
with your customer
sales journey


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