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The Business Jet Engine E-Book and PDF

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The Simplest Guide To Boost Your Business

This book shows your business as a system, where you are weak or strong, and how to make simple but effective plans for the year ahead.

Many business owners and leaders are experts in their field but are not necessarily trained or experts in the business. Bombarded with the hundreds of things they could do to improve their business, the temptation is to try and fix too many things at once or - 
paralysed by uncertainty - change nothing at all.

The Business Jet Engine
® is designed to show how business works as a system, applied to an easy-to-understand metaphor; an aircraft and its jet engine.

The book will:
Show you how The Business Jet Engine
® model works
Give you tools to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses - at increasing levels of detail
Show you how to create simple plans to improve your business

This book will help you see your business as a whole, to see the connection between all the major parts, and evaluate what action to take.

Who is this Book For?

You may be asking yourself, 
‘Is this book for me, and will it offer me a return for the time, money and effort I will be putting in?’ The simple answer is that this book is designed for you if you are responsible for setting the direction of a business.

- Start-ups and beginners
If you consider yourself a beginner in business, starting up for the first time, this book will help you avoid many of the most common mistakes that businesses make in their first ten years.

- Intermediates
If you have been in business a while, this book will serve as a reminder of many principles you already know, but will also highlight gaps in your current knowledge.

- Experienced and advanced
If you have a considerable amount of business experience, this book will serve as a reminder of principles with which you are already familiar, a checklist for areas you might be omitted, a framework for future planning and a roadmap for working with less experienced team members. Sometimes with a large business, it is easy to lose sight of business fundamentals. This book will serve as a reminder of the basics that must be correctly in place.